Monday, September 26, 2016

Glaze on!



            All image copyright Stephanie Bartz Photography

It takes countless volunteers and hours to put on one of the best (in my humble opinion) charity event for feeding the hungry.

You may have remembered my post back from May - Throwin' Down - showing the making of bowls at Murry Hill Pottery Works.

Seven recipients in the community will reciev funds from this event.

Mark your calendars for October 9th 11-2pm Kern center at MSOE - free parking in the lot and street that day.

I'll be there photographing the event and eating soup donated from local restaurants.
 Buy a bowl or two they make great gifts!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Viv A.K.A Suuuuugaaaar!

Over Labor Day Weekend I visited with my dear friend, Kay and her sweet pup, Vivian. She made for a great lil coffee companion while we hung out on the patio surrounded by trees. Also, it's one of her quirks I found endearing that she lies under furniture like the cart  in the kitchen.

Monday, September 12, 2016

More Super Stars of CTFOB

Here are the rest of the SuperStars that I photographed for Changing the Face Of Beauty.

 Changing the Face of Beauty is a nonprofit corporation that is committed to equal representation of people with disabilities in adverting and media worldwide.

They have head shot clinics all over the country. The parents pay a small fee and in return they receive images to take to talent agencies.

See for more beauties of CTFOB.