Sunday, February 21, 2010

silly me!

This self portrait was done for a project put on by Art House Co-op , . The skinny; create a self portrait (2-D) send in an 8x10 original or photo of your art work. Then the cool part, they make it into a book(for sale) and have a show. Neat! BTW- I heart toast! BTW x2- It's hard to see the fishing line I hung the beloved toast with, but it shows in the final print. And yes, that was on purpose.

Monday, February 15, 2010

a talkative tree with a heart

This was created for my art group, WIP(works in progress). Nan, a talented painter, gave us each a 6x12 inch white canvas board. The theme was " tree" . I created mine out of a white paper bag. The ground is covered in ripped up pages from a mini dictionary.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Art does a body good.

I had the honor of teaching a photo/art class last week at Brookfield Academy. The sophomores were in a "lock in" and were given the opportunity to learn new skills outside of the everyday academics. All three classes greeted me with a warm welcome. The best part, they seemed really into the project. Some even came back later to work on it some more!

Monday, February 1, 2010

self portrait

I was invited to teach a photography class at Brookfield Academy high school this week. The challenge, having only an hour. After asking countless creatives friends, I decided to go with my dear & talented friend Roxane's cool idea. The first image is of a transparency. Second is the bottom layer. The third is the finished project. Hope the students dig this idea!