True-to-life moments are revealed every time Stephanie gets behind her camera. As the owner of Stephanie Bartz Photography, she’s equal parts detective, dot-connector, and storyteller.
One woman. One Camera. Endless Possibilities.
Meet Birmingham A.K.A Bham. And boy was he(a ham)! Little Bham followed me around from the moment I got there. Around a year old and full of energy and sweetness!
Tyson was just adopted by Scott in June. He comes to work with him everyday at Johnson Golf Park in Racine. During the warmer months, he chases geese off of the course. I'd love to see that.
Side-note If you haven't seen the movie Hachiko: A Dog's Story, I highly recommend it! It's a beautiful heart warming story. You'll laugh , you'll cry.
After shopping local again this past weekend, I wanted to share with you an amazing place that has over 20 local artists. I'm proud to also have art work at MARN's gallery- ARTibles shop at 5407 W.Vliet St. Westside - Milwaukee. I'm impressed by the variety and quality of work. At the shop there is wearable art, art for your walls (they told me they feel a bit nekid) , art for the fun of it, art to make you smile, art for your unique family & friends.
Shop Wed-Fri noon-8pm Sat 10-6pm Sun 12-4pm.
I'll be at the shop on Dec. 11, Saturday from 10-3pm.
About a month or so ago, I was contacted through email from this wonderful woman, Marianne, from Maryland. She had come across my website while searching for mentors in Wauwatosa. Long story short, after exchanging information, and talking on the phone she hired me to teach Lexie about photography. Lexie and I met and hit it off right away( right Lex?). She's a sweet, smart cookie with a good eye and seems eager to learn more. Here are a few shots of Lexi at our first outing, on a gray wet day. I had her kick it old school, she shot b&w film. I noticed a heart ( awwwwwww) on the stairs next to the football field, and Lexi took a picture of it too.
BTW- Anyone have an old 70-200 telephoto lens for Nikon ( film camera) they want to get rid of?
K9 greeting cards are the perfect gift ( year round) ! Pick -up at Art & Soul, Magnolia & Co. and at MARN's ARTibles local artist sale-5407 W. Vliet St. Artibles hours- Nov. 26th- Dec. 23rd Wed-Fri. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. noon-4pm. Plus at MARN - I'll have my photo key chains. Portable Smiles! Fun fact- I'm sharing my love of fortune cookie sayings. Some of the greeting cards will have a fortune in them!
The photo booth style shoot is back at Juxt - Nov. 20th 10:30-2:30. Call to reserve your spot! 414-257-1710. Bring your silly! Only $20! One kid ( of all ages) per shoot. You get a good time AND 3 strips of b&w photos.
Central Bark Doggie Daycare - Menomonee Valley owners ( wonderful), Jess & Mark hired me to photograph them for their business portrait. Their dogs Beezer ( Jack Russell ) and Elliot ( Boston Terrier) burned around that area playing chase, having a ball! Back to Jess, who is a jem, and will take good care of your pooch while you're at the office or off on vacation. Here is there link
Book a session by the end of this year and WHS or EBHS will receive 10% of my creative fee for their animals. The photo shoot can be scheduled for next year(2011). A win win!
Molly (my parent's pup) is growing like a weed! She's just so darn fun to be around. She reacts( like crazy) to my funny laugh and weird sounds that I make to get her attention (2nd & 3rd image) . At night, she likes to sleep on top of the couch, when my parents are watching TV. Our dog, Pete, also favored that spot on that couch too.
This is Titan. He's an English Mastiff. His owner Chuck had warned me that he'd be shy at first but then warm up to me quickly. When that front door opened, Titan headed straight for me. No shyness there! He leaned his Great Dane like size right up against me. That was his way of saying hello. I'm told these dogs are said to be gentle giants. I have to agree.
The Outpost had their 40th Birthday party back in April. They gave away prizes from local vendors. I was one of the vendors that donated a photo shoot. The lucky winner, Lawanda owned 2 cats. Lucky for me, Dakota (pictured) loved the outdoors, and since I'm allergic to cats, shooting outdoors was best. We kept his interest by blowing bubbles and throwing endless cat toys around.
Joe and I, met my dear friend Lori & her lovely daughter Sydney to paint a bowl this past weekend. The bowls that we painted with TLC will be donated to the Empty Bowls event next weekend. It's an amazing event. We volunteered the year before and it was a blast! Plus, so many beautiful one- of- a- kind to choose from.
We checked out the WPCA members show. Always full of interesting, beautiful, odd and clever artwork. The show ends Oct. 16th ( next gallery night) . I highly recommend it. . Oh and the bigger deal about the show, it was the first time that Joe had artwork hanging in a gallery. I'm so proud of him!
The update on the high bidder of the Stinky Bulldog, one-of-a-kind chair. Drum roll please. Jackie V. , who happens to be the owner of Stinky. Congrats Jackie! Lastly, I was honored to have made it onto ART Mail. . Sign up and receive art every Wednesday delivered in the comfort of your own home.
Photography has always been about connection. The kinetic energy between the people and the camera that captures authentic moments and reveals stories.
I love creating and capturing real moments with my subjects. Over the years I have honed an ability to set up situations that allow for candid moments. I offer the sensibilities of a lifestyle portrait with the magic of truth.